
We understand that not being offered admission after putting forth great efforts in your application is difficult. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept all of the qualified students who apply for consideration of admission, as competition is great for the limited number of spots available for new students in our graduate and professional programs each term. 

After careful consideration of submitted credentials and application materials by program reviewers or committees, programs communicate denial decisions to our office in Admissions in order to update the application record. Unfortunately, the programs do not provide us with their reasoning for denying applications, so we would not be able to provide that information.

Please consult the program if you have questions about the decision made. Programs may be able to advise you, at their discretion, on how you might improve your applicant profile for a better chance at admission for a future term.

Options on improving your profile might include taking courses as a graduate non-degree student at UIC, or taking courses at another school before re-applying to UIC for a future term, if you so choose. Alternatively, with 150+ graduate and professional programs offered at UIC, there may be another program for which you might be better suited.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in UIC and wish you success in pursuing your academic goals.